
Healthy person

Even when we grow in our relationship with God we will still have sadness anger anxiety. There is nothing wrong with us if we experience them. There is still not one perfect human being! Healthy people have a full range of emotions, they still have highs and lows.  But as you become healthier the highs get […]

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Unexpected tears

How do you listen to your life? How do you keep your eyes peeled for the presence of God? I would suggest that you pay attention to those moments in your life when unexpected tears come. You never know what may trigger them, something deep beneath the surface of who you are, that something is trying to […]

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Thinking Maze

The most profound fallen parts of ourselves are the keys to wholeness. What happens when something bad happened was unfair, but and this is crucial to our thinking, most wrongs never get righted. Through this we can get into a maze, letting that situation of being wronged eat our minds. We’ve got to get out […]

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Stories about ourselves

We really can’t hear the stories of the bible, what they are saying, until we hear them as stories about ourselves. We have to imagine our way into them, imagine ourselves as the prodigal son coming home terrified, afraid that the door will be slammed in his face, only to be greeted by a bear […]

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The Big Bang

In Exodus Chapter 6 verse 3 God’s name in Hebrew is Shakai. God has many names in scripture but for this name Jewish sages have an interesting interpretation, they saw it as an acronym for the words “מי שאמר לעולמו די” or “He who said to His world, enough”. What does this mean? Who knows? These […]

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The essence of trauma which is underneath the dysfunctional behaviour we see in society is separation from the self. Being disconnected from yourself begins with what is getting in the way of the connection. A question to ask is how does that disconnection show up in this present moment? The past is important only in […]

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Comedy Gold

The gospel is comedy, the place to start is with a woman laughing, an old woman and after a lifetime in the desert her face is cracked, wrinkled, she is laughing because she is 91 and the stranger that turned up at their tent was not a man to read the meter! An angel has just told […]

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