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Scattering seeds of Invitation

‘We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.’ The opening of the Harvest hymn is an appropriate hymn for the Inviter. Becoming an inviter for Christ is to scatter seeds of hope. As the disciples were sent out to spread the good news of God’s love – so are we…… Gulp! However, […]

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Learning from the bumblebee in invitation

Serial Inviters remind me of bumblebees. Bees visit flowers in order to collect nectar, which they eat and turn any surplus into honey, and pollen. The flowers benefit from this because as the bees go from flower to flower some pollen sticks to the hairs on the bee’s body and gets transferred from the stamen […]

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Limited room for accepting an invitation but God…

Researchers Tooby & Cosmides (1996) did a piece of research about rejection. They found that nobody can accept everyone. A person has only so much time and energy to devote to social relationships. As a result, each individual must choose with whom to spend time and foster relationships. Stated differently, people have a limited number of relational niches, […]

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Learning in Invitation

Erdley and Dweck 1993 hypothesized that some of us are entity theorists and whilst others are incremental theorists. Entity theorists focus primarily on their performance outcome because it is a direct indicator of their ability, which they presume cannot be easily changed. In contrast, incremental theorists are more likely to have learning goals and they […]

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Courage the cardinal virtue

Field Marshall Sir William Slim was considered one of the greatest British army generals. He fought in the first and second world war as well as leading the Burma campaign. He saw courage as the cardinal virtue. Without it the other virtues faith hope and charity, can’t come into play because they take courage to exercise. Invite someone […]

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A most insidious form of fear is that which masquerades as common sense or even wisdom. When thinking about inviting someone we can say to ourselves that ‘my friend won’t want to go’. This could be based on a previous conversation or views expressed by the friend. But when God prompts us to invite, we […]

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Badge of Honour

Luke 9:1-5 describes how Jesus taught his disciples how to handle failure. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them. Jesus wanted the soon to be apostles to model themselves after him. He knew that not everyone was going to receive the truth about him, […]

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