Members' Area

Proactive and Reactive Invitation

In invitation there are two approaches the proactive and the reactive. When we are proactive in invitation we tend to be asking God who we should be inviting on a regular basis. Whereas in the reactive tends to be opportunities that tend to emerge during our daily lives, that if we are aware of them […]

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Living Vicariously?

Vicariously means that you’re not experiencing it yourself, but using someone else’s experience as your own. It’s kind of like if you’ve never skied but you watch a movie about it you’ve experienced skiing vicariously through the movie. It is so easy to live vicariously as a Christian. We read the books, we listen to […]

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Delivering the Invitation

In mission the image we have been given for most Christians is the one of an evangelist salesperson where we persuade people for Christ. But I think a much better metaphor would be to compare us to a Postie. Someone who delivers an invitation. A postie is not responsible for the reaction of the person receiving the invitation. They […]

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Serving in Invitation

A friend of mine recalled a talk given forty years ago by a youth leader which helped to form him as a Christian. The talk was called “blessing by shrinkification”. A group of boys had been on a tour travelling each day by van. Each night they had to put up several tents. The first […]

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Invitational Adversity

In inviting people in our congregation to invite we should not sidestep difficulties they will face. We are in fact marked and can bear scars created by the challenges we face. Ask Joseph who spent years in a prison. But we should be preparing congregational members to meet the challenges well, not shielding them. Because we […]

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Small acts of Invitation

Jesus multiplies the smallest of acts. In the economy of the kingdom of God little acts always have large effects. But we may not sense the impact of the small acts of invitation that we do. We might be disappointed with the outcome, because we were cold-shouldered, ridiculed or just plain rejected, but see beyond […]

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It’s who you know

I have heard a number of stories of people who have got to get to know people before they feel they can come to church.  A vicar was telling me that a person who was helping with his garden felt that he could now come to church because he now knew the vicar! I have heard people […]

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