Inside Out or Outside In

The outside in model of stress suggests that stress is like particles in the air, like the germ idea, in some place the particles are very dense and that would be a very stressful area, you catch stress from these events and circumstances. In this model Solution number one, is to stay away from stress particles, a lot of people have designed their lives so their level of involvement in life minimises stress. Solution number two make sure you emphasise activities releasing stress, such as breathing, exercising and meditation. Solution Number three is becoming hardy in a stressful situation. But I would suggest this way of thinking is severely flawed. The Inside out model of stress is that all stress is inside our own thoughts. You and I generate our own stress, it is manufactured inside our minds via thoughts, – all we have to do is understand how this happens – I have everything to do with the level of stress I am feeling. God says do not be afraid. Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church.

Inside Out or Outside In