
To become an invitational church and an invitational person I am not sure faith is enough, I think we have to have trust. If you went to a circus and watched a person on tight wire pushing a wheelbarrow, we might well think I bet they have done this a thousand times. One would have absolute faith in that person. But if you had trust you would go up and go in the wheelbarrow. I need to conduct my life as if God has got me covered so that I don’t have to worry.

Now I like and appreciate the concept, I like going to groups where we read about getting in the wheelbarrow. I like to philosophise about getting in the wheelbarrow, but I ain’t getting in the wheelbarrow! Intellectually I am willing to trust God but emotionally I can’t! So what do you do? Trust happens often when we come to the end of our resources. Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church.

Dare-devil on a Rope. Blondin (Francois Gravelet) pushes a wheelbarrow across a tightrope over Niagra Falls. Original artwork from Look and Learn Book 1982.

Dare-devil on a Rope. Blondin (Francois Gravelet) pushes a wheelbarrow across a tightrope over Niagra Falls. Original artwork from Look and Learn Book 1982.