There appears to be an interesting suggestion emanating from some Christian leaders that confidence is the solution to the mission of the church. I would want to suggest that too high self-confidence gives people a sense of invulnerability. It is almost like Superman Christians. Invulnerability has no part of Christianity. Jesus was a vulnerable baby, he was vulnerable on the cross. The mystery of a vulnerable God. Adam in the garden of Eden said ‘I was frightened because I was naked so I hid.’ Jesus on the cross was naked but let himself be exposed. All to be there to bring people to life. Brene Brown says ‘Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, empathy, creativity, and authenticity the experiences that bring meaning to our lives.’ In faith we have to be vulnerable, God gives us hard things to do, things that challenge us. Confidence in God leads to vulnerability as God asks us to trust. Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church.