Transfiguration and Gethsemane
Peter was frightened by the transfiguration as Jesus’ appearance was changed to dazzling white. In fear Peter says let’s build a shelter and lets stay in the glory. Jesus had previously said that there would be suffering, but we like Peter try to ignore the hard bits and go for the way we want things to be. We can become disillusioned when we can’t see the glory, but Jesus teaches that the hurts and difficulties are part of the way to the glory. The voice of God from heaven says “Listen to him”, stay close to him. Peter James and John were at the transfiguration but they were also at Gethsemane Are you prepared to walk with God everyday through the pain and the suffering and for the glimpses of glory. Whether in glory or fear of suffering, the transfiguration or Gethsemane, I am comforted by the song by Chris Rollinson. “We will draw near and surrender our fear lift our hands to proclaim holy father you are near.” Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church.