Identity in Christ
In the time that the children of Israel were in Egypt a Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph and started to put Joseph’s ancestors into forced labour. If you don’t know who you are you don’t have any choice but to work- you can’t rest. The taskmasters of Egypt served a purpose, in reminding the children of Israel that they were nothing. They had forgotten that they were God’s people. Eventually the cries and prayers of the people are articulated in the actions of the midwives who refused to kill the baby boys, and from that action came Moses. Moses was a forerunner of Jesus who came to set the captives free and to remind people of who they are. Reflecting on Jesus’s mission the Apostle Peter writes But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church and they might awaken to find their identity in Christ.