Without fear you cannot have genuine courage

Caleb was one of the two spies who felt that the children of Israel should enter the land of Canaan, but was outvoted by ten other spies, Caleb had to wait forty years to fulfil his dream.I love Caleb’s courage as he went for his dream of winning the high mountain, listen to his words “it may be that the LORD will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out.” Do you see the uncertain outcome? Caleb was willing to risk because He trusted completely in God’s word. What can we learn from Caleb?  Comfort zone Misconception ~1 Since I feel fear, my prompting from God to do something must not be from God. Comfort zone misconception 2 I can’t go forward unless God takes my fear away. I wonder if it is possible to have genuine courage without fear. Follow Caleb’s example and ask God who to invite or have a God conversation with and invite them to take a closer look at Christ and his church.

courage and fear