Invitational Gumption
My grandma used some words which have now gone out of fashion. One of the words those words was gumption. Gumption means to be shrewd or spirited, have initiative and resourcefulness. It keeps a person at the task at hand even when it might not be the most enjoyable task. Gumption is a firm commitment that follows through with God’s will no matter what! Gumption stabs us awake and gives us the courage and strength to stay focused on God. to keeps us on the path of God’s will. The discipline of taking one day at a time is what helped Paul to endure his thorn in the flesh, beating, whippings, stonings and shipwrecks he faced in his life. GAL 6:9 says “Let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and quit. In invitation we need gumption, so invite someone today to take a closer look at Christ and his church, and may we run the race with perseverance and discipline.