Truest Reflection

My great friend Greg sent me this interesting concept that the Japanese say you have three faces.  Everyone hides behind different masks. To the world, I believe you wear a full face mask that hides everything about you, but the colour of your eyes. To those close to you, you wear a half mask, that reveals wrinkles in your flawless persona. Then beneath it all, are the ugly scars that you try everyday to conceal from everyone, sometimes even yourself. The thing is though, these wrinkles and scars have a way of coming out little by little, like wind weathering away rock. Alternatively, once in a blue moon, one circumstance or another can crack your mask. You will have nothing to hide behind then. I guess you could say it is the wall that we put up and keep those away from really knowing our darkest secrets. Jesus came to deal with our identity, For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church

truest reflection