From self-confidence to confidence in God

Confidence is the key word being bandied around those interested in church growth at the moment. Or should I say lack of it. Confidence is thought to be a main problem facing the church today. Certainly confidence is a biblical word as it is quoted often, but is it a main problem? As I visit churches that are on a numerical upward curve, I sense at times a self-confidence, a general feeling that God must be blessing them because numerically they are growing. It betrays itself in self-satisfaction. I want to suggest that our current need to blame the decline of the church on confidence is misplaced. The question to ask is, what suddenly is causing this lack of confidence? My research tells me that it is fear of rejection. If the research findings are correct then we can turn to the writer to the Hebrews for a solution “So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”Trust and have confidence in God and invite someone today to take a closer look at Christ and his church.
