Pray our Fears

Fears play a major part in why mission does not happen. How did an Old Testament hero David, face his fears. We find four ways that David prayed his fears in Psalm 3, when being hunted by Absalom. Firstly, you God are my shield around me. It was a siege shield to follow your general into the battle. God’s protection only works when I follow God into danger. God shields us sometimes with the pain and with the danger. We need to remember on the other side of every grave is a resurrection. Secondly David has to relocate God’s glory rather than the thing he had substituted in its place, namely fear. David remembered what God did for Abraham in Genesis 15. Thirdly see the deliverance of God in the situation, even when the deliverance hadn’t happened. Fourthly remember the God wants to bless people other than ourselves. Pray your fears and raise the shield of God and invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and his church.
