What keeps people from doing invitational mission?

What keeps people from success in Invitational Mission? What is the number one thing that holds people back? and what is the number on thing that causes people to succeed?  Fear of rejection is the number one thing that holds people back and its associated fears. Fear of losing a friend, Fear of ridicule fear of not being able to answer a question, fear is the enemy. We need to conquer the mountain of fear. The number one thing that causes people to succeed is a decision to becoming invitational , deciding and committing to oneself, that we are not going to try, we are not going to do our best, but we make a decision to become invitational. The decision in itself makes us determined to conquer our enemy. So fight the fear and make a decision to become invitational today and invite someone to take a closer look at Christ and His church.

Conquering the mountain