Bungee Jumping into Invitation

Fear for me is like a Bungee jump In invitation we stand on the precipice just before we invite. We protect ourselves with the following fear based questions, Who do I invite? What do I say to them? What do I say if they say no? How do you make the jump? Fear is a vision, so you must replace a dis-functional dis-empowering vision with a different one. We need to rehearse a successful vision of invitation. Replacing the negative vision with a positive one to flush out the fear. The very biblical, without vision the people perish. Listen to how God anticipates the fear and replaces it with vision. Do not be afraid In Genesis For I am your shield. In Deuteronomy and do not panic before them, for the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you.In Luke for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. So jump into the Father’s arms.