This is the day to invite
We stand at the meeting place of two eternities. The vast past that has endured forever and future that plunges on to the last syllable of recorded time. We can’t possibly live in either of those two eternities but by doing so we can wreck our lives of following Christ. We fail to go and make disciples because we are worried about what might happen, or we know as a result of the past the result of our invitation in advance, so we don’t invite. The load of tomorrow added to that of yesterday carried today makes the strongest falter. The Lord ‘s prayer says Give us “today” our daily bread, Take no thought for tomorrow. People have rejected these words of Jesus but they are utterly brilliant. The word ‘thought’ in Jesus’s advice meant anxiety. The Christian life is in the living of every day and hour. Psalm 118 says This is the day that the LORD has made we will rejoice and be glad in it . Our trouble in the Christian life is not ignorance but inaction, to God’s words, so invite today and be not anxious about the past or the future.