Don’t numb pain but invite and find joy
[cleeng_content id=”286296359″ description=”Subscription to Michael’s Video Blogs” price=”9.99″]When I ask the question what stops us inviting our friend? Many people have said to me that they will lose that friend.
What is interesting to me is that so many christians picture something horrible happening? The fatalistic response is not universal
but it is a symptom of an issue that is universal and dangerous, that we are losing our tolerance for vulnerability.
Vulnerability is seen as weakness, but it is the birthplace of creativity and faith. I call it despairing fate, Our fate
becomes despair and when are thinking about something we care about we are compelled to predict doom and disappointment.
Other symptoms are that we go through the motions to avoid invitation. We nod our heads but we intend to do nothing.
Perfectionism is a tool we use to protect ourselves when we say things like I couldn’t invite someone to the service
my friend wouldn’t like it. I think we also numb through busyness, our programmes, our initiatives. We stay so busy that
the truth of our lives won’t catch up.
What is driving that intolerance for vulnerability? Could it be that we don’t believe in God’s abundance, that as we go
and invite, that we don’t reckon that God will be with us?
The consequences for the inviter of intolerance for vulnerability is that you cannot selectively numb the darker
emotions like vulnerability fear and shame. We by default numb joy in the Christian life
Jesus sent the 72 and told them of rejection. The seventy-two chose vulnerability and returned with joy
The shepherd took a risk and left the 99 searched for the lost sheep And when he found it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross,
scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Don’t numb pain but consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds[/cleeng_content]