Changing the DNA of your congregation to Invitational
1. Reduce complacency and help the congregation to see the need. Try to get a number of the congregation to an Unlocking the Growth Seminar
2. Pull together a team from the congregation to guide the needed change
3. Develop and communicate the new vision of becoming invitational
4. Understand and remove the obstacles from becoming invitational by pulling together a focus group to ask the question why we don’t invite? Make everyone feel empowered that they can play a part
5. Create a short term win such as a Back to Church Sunday and celebrate the inviters not just those who bring someone with them
6. Don’t let up and plan your next invitational event and the next and the next….
7. Make it stick
Questions to ask
1a Why do we need to change?
2a Who should be on the team?
3a What might the new vision look like?
4a What obstacles are in the way?
4b How can we empower the congregation?
5a What might be a short term win?
6a What other obstacles might there be after you have tried one invitational event? (Disappointment?)
7a How can we be determined not to give up?