Invitational Goodness and Henry Thoreau #1

Invitation helps the Christian develop one of the fruits of the spirit, goodness.The first place in the Old Testament where something is called good is Genesis 1. As God spoke into existence each phase of creation, He saw that it was good. I believe the point here involves expected function. God’s creation did what He intended it to do. It accomplished its purpose. It met His expectations. And that is one of the basic ideas of the goodness the Spirit wants to manifest in our lives. It is good when we invite our friends into a relationship with God, why because it meets the expectations of our Sovereign God. After all Jesus said Go and make disciples. I have found today rather than being good we live in the church comfort zone we settle for so little. All our purpose is a place to live, phone, television, a car, income, and two holidays a year. We lack neither overwhelming desperation or the incredible force of inspiration. There is no burning need, no burning desire. The comfort zone seems to affect our hearing. The more comfortable we are the more oblivious we become to the sound of the ticking clock. We have apparently all the time we need. Henry Thoreau American Philosopher of the 19th Century said “Oh God, to reach the point of death only to realize you have never lived.” Let your invitational efforts and results give cause to those who will one day gather to pass judgement on your existence to speak only the simple phrase…… Well done good and faithful servant